We provide support in household duties, personal care, nursing care, rehabilitation, day care, carers’ support, health promotion, and community support services to the elderly or families in need and persons with disability. These services enable elders to stay at home of their choice, while the carers are supported to perform their caring role.
Elderly Community Support Service provides different services for the elderly to facilitate them to live healthy, positive, active and happy lives. Integrated Home Care Services provides a wide spectrum of home care and support services by 8 Integrated Home Care (IHC) teams, e.g. nursing care, rehabilitation service, home safety and advice, home modification, personal care, escorting service, day respite, child care, laundry, meal delivery service, purchase of daily necessities, house cleaning, psycho-social intervention and referral service, etc. Day Care Service includes day care centre, home based rehabilitation and care, home care and care-giver support.
Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
Located in Kowloon City, our Centre for Active Ageing values holistic well-being. Through different dimensions of services, partnership collaborations, as hubs to connect community resources, our Centre aims to facilitate older adults to live healthy, positive, active and happy lives.
Target Users
Elders aged 60 or above, carers of the elderly.
Service Delivery
- Counselling, home visits, outreaching, consultation and referrals
- Therapeutic and developmental groups, learning and interest classes, talks Visits, tours, festival activities and mass programmes
- Lending and purchasing service of rehabilitation aids
- Lunch service
- Dementia and needy carers support service