We provide support in household duties, personal care, nursing care, rehabilitation, day care, carers’ support, health promotion, and community support services to the elderly or families in need and persons with disability. These services enable elders to stay at home of their choice, while the carers are supported to perform their caring role.
Elderly Community Support Service provides different services for the elderly to facilitate them to live healthy, positive, active and happy lives. Integrated Home Care Services provides a wide spectrum of home care and support services by 8 Integrated Home Care (IHC) teams, e.g. nursing care, rehabilitation service, home safety and advice, home modification, personal care, escorting service, day respite, child care, laundry, meal delivery service, purchase of daily necessities, house cleaning, psycho-social intervention and referral service, etc. Day Care Service includes day care centre, home based rehabilitation and care, home care and care-giver support.
Home Care and Support Services for Elderly Persons with Mild Impairment
To provide home care and support services to low-income elderly persons with mild impairment.
Service Objectives
To provide home care and support services to low-income elderly persons with mild impairment.
Target Users
- aged 60 or above
- living in the community
- assessed to be at the state of mild impairment or above under a designated assessment tool or
- assessed and recommended for “Home Support Services” under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, and referred to the respective IHCS team by social worker.
- waitlisting for the Integrated Home Care Services (Ordinary Cases) (IHCS(OC)); and
- with a monthly household income not exceeding a specified percentage of the relevant Median Monthly Domestic Household Income (MMDHI) (i.e. not exceeding 175% for one-person households and not exceeding 150% for two-or-more-person households)
Service Delivery
IHC Team provide home care and support services to elderly persons aged 60 or above, who are assessed to be at least with mild impairment under a designated assessment tool and waitlisted for Integrated Home Care Services (IHCS) (Ordinary Cases) [IHCS(OC)], according to their needs to facilitate their ageing in place.
Service Content
The CCF Team of the SWD will refer elderly persons to service teams of their choice, which will discuss with the elderly persons and draw up individualized care plans with service fees, and provide at the earliest possible the necessary support services such as meal and/or home services, which include personal care, simple nursing care, physical exercise, home-making (e.g. home cleaning), escort, purchase and delivery of daily necessities, Environment risk assessment and home modifications suggestions, carer support services, psychosocial and health education programme, etc. .
Service Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. / 2:00p.m. to 5:30p.m.
Saturday: 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.
(Except public holiday)
Service Boundary
Depend on IHC’s Team service boundary
Oi Tung Service Centre
Kin Ming Service Centre
Hang Hau Service Centre
Shun On Service Centre
Ngau Tau Kok Service Centre
Lai Kok Service Centre
Kwai Fong Service Centre
Cheung Hang Service Centre
Tivoli Service Centre
Wai Yip Service Centre
Lee Foo Service Centre