Mediation Services and Divorce Services

We provide diversified mediation services and divorce services to support families to handle divorce related issues in an amiable and rational manners so that both parents and children’s needs are addressed. We also encourage divorce couples to develop child-focused perspective to facilitate children coping with family changes through co-parenting and regular parent-child contact.

Mediation Centre resolves disputes among family members, aiming at promoting the spirit of mediation to different targets in the community, including the elderly, couples, parents and adolescents, with the mission to cultivate the harmonious culture in society and to prevent and resolve conflicts in an amicable way. Parent-child Connect Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre offers one-stop co-parenting and parent-child contact services. Family Resource Centre is our first centre to serve drop-in families and divorced couples. The Centre provides diversified territory-wide services for divorced couples.

Mediation Centre

The Society launched Family Mediation Service in 1997 and set up the Mediation Centre in 2001 to coordinate and promote our Family Mediation and Community Mediation Service to resolve disputes between separated / divorced couples. The Centre is also dedicated to provide mediation training for professionals and mediation education for the general public to foster a harmonious community.

Target Users


Service Delivery

  • Accredited Mediation Training Course
  • Family Mediation Live Supervision Scheme

Registration Form of Free legal Consultation Service

Seminar on Family Mediation Practice 2024

Accredited Family Mediation Training

Related Website


Mediation Centre