Event Highlights

「麥田捕手 x 家福會」慈善市集 (Chinese Version Only)

今個9月一連兩個星期,家福會將會參與麥田捕手文創空間於灣仔利東街舉辦的「麥田捕手 x 家福會 - Autumn Charity Popup」。除了作為受惠機構外,亦有本會的婦女義工參與及售賣手作產品,並邀請支援不同弱勢族群的社會企業或初創手作品牌攜手參與,發放正能量信息之餘,也讓大眾更加認識本會的理念及支持我們的工作。


Other news

The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony

HKFWS held The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony on July 6, 2024, at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung). We were honoured to have Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice, as our guest of honour. During the ceremony, apart from commending the peer mediators and participating schools that have actively promoted a harmonious school culture, there were also peer mediators from 20 secondary schools attended and shared their experiences and insights on promoting peer mediation.

家福會「自然為本靜觀課程研究」 (Chinese Version Only)

家福會於 2022至 2024 年與專門從事靜觀研究的香港理工大學盧希皿博士合作,為長者照顧者及經歷壓力的家長設計一個自然為本靜觀課程,並進行相關研究以評估課程效益。

“Home Sweet Home” Ice-Cream Truck

The Society’s "Home Sweet Home” ice-cream truck will be giving out free ice cream in our city on two consecutive Sundays in June as part of the anniversary celebrations. This event aims to provide a moment for public to enjoy ice-cream while sharing sweet moments with their families during the hot summer days.