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2024「久久公益節」配捐項目|家福傳愛創新服務 (Chinese Version Only)

家福會很開心參與,由騰訊公益慈善基金會聯動WeChat PayHK舉辦的2024「久久公益節」配捐項目。

The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony

HKFWS held The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony on July 6, 2024, at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung). We were honoured to have Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice, as our guest of honour. During the ceremony, apart from commending the peer mediators and participating schools that have actively promoted a harmonious school culture, there were also peer mediators from 20 secondary schools attended and shared their experiences and insights on promoting peer mediation.