「又到聖誕!又到聖誕!」 家福會呈獻 – 聖誕電子賀咭及App Sticker (Chinese Version Only)
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。
家福關懷專線的一群受専業培訓的義工樂意為來電者提供情緒輔導及支援,並為有需要人士作服務轉介, 歡迎大家致電23423110傾訴心事, 舒緩壓力!
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。
The structure of the family and the mode of family care for the elderly have gradually become diversified under the new era and social changes. Therefore community services and medical services often play an important role in supporting elderly and their carers. HKFWS organises a Carer Forum and invites experts from different sectors to share their supporting strategies for family carer, with a view to building a carer-friendly society among different sectors.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Society, and therefore the subunits for divorced family services will co-organize the “Research Release cum symposium on Divorced Family Support Services “on 13 December along with pre- and post-seminar workshops.