
HKFWS takes a “Family-centric” perspective for service development. We believe family is paramount and devote ourselves to strengthen family wellbeing. Regardless of family backgrounds or facing difficulties, we are pleased to provide support. We also utilise community resources to alleviate their imminent hardships. Some advices are provided by our professional team derived from their past working experience here for your reference when you are in need.

Family Mediation

What is the difference between receiving and not receiving family mediation services?

Family mediation service can help both parties reach an agreement on issues such as child care (custody and visitation), maintenance, property arrangements, etc. after divorce. The advantages of receiving this service include:

  • Greatly reduce the time and mental pressure on both parties caused by litigation
  • Save litigation fees
  • Assist both parties in choosing the most appropriate solution having regard to the interests of the children and both parties, and
  • Increase the motivation of each other to fulfil the agreement
  • Reduce the pain of children and both parties
  • Promote continued cooperation in the parenting of children.

Source:Mediation Centre