
HKFWS reaches youngsters in their campuses. With the aim of "strengthening families", we provide professional counselling service to nurture youngsters’ holistic development. Stepping into the Generation Z, youngsters indulge in internet, which creates family conflicts and parenting problems. Our social workers help youngsters facilitate their communications with parents and relieve family tension to promote mutual respect and understanding among family members.

Mental Health

Our child is emotionally unstable, as parents, how can we help them build resilience?

When the child is emotionally unstable, you can guide them to calm down and pay attention to their current emotions and thoughts by practising mindfulness.

1. "Breathe as hard as you can and focus on the present moment"

Parents can invite their child to practise mindfulness breathing exercises together, to feel the changes in their bodies when they breathe, such as the flow of air and the changes in the abdomen. By attaching attention to every breath taken, bring yourself out of cluttered thoughts and emotions, relax and get back to the current moment.

2. "Your Auto Navigation Mode"

When the child has calmed down, you can invite them to list out events that made them emotionally unstable, their corresponding thoughts, physical reactions, behaviours, and emotions. The above elements are closely connected with each other and an "auto navigation mode" may form when we are not aware of them.

For example:

Event: Exam is coming

Thoughts: I don't have enough time for revision, I used to take more time for past exams, so my grades will be bad this time!

Emotions: worry, panic

Physical Reactions: Tensed, inability to focus, rumination

Behaviours: "Forget it! I give up!" and avoid revision

3. "Your own path, your own choice"

We always spend time regretting the past and worrying about the future, but seldom think of solutions in response to current problems. When the child becomes aware of their thoughts and the corresponding emotions and behaviours, you can guide them to think about how to solve existing problems, so as to face adversity in different ways, instead of reacting blindly, such as avoiding the issue and hair-splitting.

If young people can practice mindfulness continuously, they will be aware of their physical feelings, emotions and thoughts when encountering unpleasant things, and be able to deal with adversity, and accept the possibility of adversities in life, which will build up their resilience in the long run.

Source: Jockey Club "Promoting Family Resilience" Project